Thank you for pointing out the “assorted cards” section on your website. I will spend time checking out each of the assortments and assure you that I will be ordering quite a few from you in the near future. I do hope that at some point we will have a retailer in our area who is introduced to your wonderful cards and will begin carrying them.
Thanks again,
Do you sell your individual cards online? There’s no store in my area and I would very much like to purchase quite a few of your cards….they are wonderful.
I love your cards and had one in hand when I searched, “Northern Exposure.” Your website came up immediately. I wasn’t expecting to be able to buy individual cards but the mixed assorted boxes were a good option.
Thank you for offering this service and for creating such fabulous cards!
Believe it or not, I just sent out may last Santa Turtle with Cap card.. Years ago, I was an exotic animal distributor. I sold to Mom and Pop pet stores. I bought boxes of these cards to send to my customers at the Holidays -1993-
While dating a woman years ago we found a card we both liked in a store. Jokingly I told her that if we ever got married it would always hang in our bathroom. We did…and it has in every home we’ve had for the last 17 years. but recently even though we made it through the Station fire here in La Canada California…we got nailed by the mudslide and flooding the fire brought on later. We have since had to move to a nearby town but the card was badly water damaged and not we are looking to replace it. It’s just the cover entitled Woman on toilet. the photo is of a woman in a wedding dress sitting on the toilet holding a roll of toilet paper in her hand. For the last few months we have tried everywhere to find it online or in brick and mortar stores…but to no luck…so thought I would go straight to you guys.
Yesterday was my wife & my 30th wedding anniversary. I bought one of your cards, and may I say it was THE. PERFECT. CARD. The title of the card is:
TRUSH & Mike at Moraine Lake.
It was perfect because 30 years ago we lived in Calgary, & spent our honeymoon at Lake Louise and visited many of the surrounding sites including MORAINE LAKE!Thanks so very much, that card made a special anniversary, that much more special.
I am writing to tell you that I love your selection. Last year I purchased a box of your cards at Nicola’s Books in Ann Arbor, MI. I bought the cards titled “Peace Gathering” #9447. I think it’s the best card I ever sent for the holidays. I will check out your collection of holiday cards again next year.
Of the 50 or so cards I got for my 70th birthday yours is the best…..
I’m looking for a birthday card from your line… The cover photo is “In the Backyard” by Daivd Maiser. The inner caption reads, “Happy Birthday To My Partner In Crime.” I’ve been giving this to my wife for about 10 years and I just used my last one. I’d like to continue the tradition for many years to come. Is the card still available?