Northern Exposure’s Top 3 Holidays for May
A long time ago, in a galaxy not too far away…
Northern Exposure was created, specializing in always looking on the funny side of life. In April, we began our monthly series of spotlighting holidays that may never reach the pages of your calendar, but deserve to be celebrated! You can catch up on all of the happenings in April on our social accounts, but here is where we take the time to highlight a trio of holidays that stand above the rest! Without further ado… here are Northern Exposure’s Top Holidays for the Month of May!
Star Wars Day (May 4)
Fun Fact: in 2019, the state of California’s legislature voted and OFFICIALLY declared May 4th as “Star Wars Day”. When an actual sitting body of government recognizes a day, you know that it has some merit. You still don’t think so… we shall use our force powers in the form of our “Psychic Little Girl” to Jedi Mind Trick you into thinking that Star Wars Day deserves to be on your calendar. Work your magic, little girl… “These aren’t the droids you’re looking for… Move along…”
National Eat What You Want Day (May 11)
Show of hands – who actually likes kale? How about quinoa? Apple cider vinegar shots?! We are constantly bombarded with so many new “clean, organic, healthy” food trends that it can be hard to NOT to feel guilty about the foods we actually LIKE to eat! Today’s holiday was created by a married couple who run a wellness business, but know that life is too short to not live a little! Today, we suggest you gastronomically live A LOT! No calorie counting! No green drinks, unless they are Shamrock Shakes (sorry, wrong month)! Instead, have some double-frosted, extra sprinkles “Donuts”!
National Sorry Day (May 26)
This holiday is one that actual may make a calendar… if you lived in Australia. Also known as the National Day of Healing, this annual event commemorates the ongoing process of reconciliation between the Indigenous peoples and the settler population in the Land Down Under. The formal apology or “sorry” to the Stolen Generations only came from the Prime Minister in 2008! We think that everyone should take this day as a time to reach out and reconcile a past wrong… no matter how BIG or small! And what better way to do it than with a “Happy White Dog”!
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See you in June!
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